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Maximizing Small Business Tax Savings: Healthcare Deductions

Written by TaxPlanIQ Support team | Jun 26, 2024 12:46:37 PM

Most business owners understand why health insurance premiums should be tax-deductible. If you're an employee, you usually pay these premiums before taxes kick in. Thankfully, the IRS is on board with this, so most business owners can write off their health insurance costs. But if you're running a small business, it's not as easy as just spotting the deduction on your paycheck, because those paychecks might not even exist.

This article will help you to figure out how to handle this deduction based on your business's tax setup. Plus, we’ll walk through some of the key healthcare deductions and credits available for small businesses. Let’s jump in…

Small Business Tax Savings for Sole Proprietors (Schedule C)

If you're running the show alone or with a single-member LLC that’s taxed like a sole proprietor, claiming your health insurance premiums is pretty straightforward. Just track what you spend on premiums throughout the year and then deduct that amount on your personal tax return. It's not about itemizing; it's an adjustment that lowers your overall income. 

Small Business Tax Savings for Partnerships

In a partnership, you need to note how much was paid or reimbursed for health insurance on each partner’s K-1 form. Then, each partner takes that number and deducts it on their personal tax returns, similar to a sole proprietor. 

Small Business Tax Savings for S Corporations

If you're part of an S corp, there's a bit more admin. Any health insurance premiums paid or reimbursed need to be included in Box 1 of the W-2 form. The corporation writes this off as a wage expense. It’s key to make sure your payroll provider knows how to handle owner-specific payments since they’re treated differently than those for non-owners. 

Small Business Tax Savings for C Corporations

Owners of C corporations have a simpler setup since the income doesn't pass through to owners' personal taxes. The C corp can just cover or reimburse health insurance premiums directly. As an owner, you don’t need to do anything on your personal tax returns regarding these premiums. Plus, you can also set up health reimbursement arrangements for tax-free reimbursements of other medical costs. 

Healthcare Deductions & Credits for Small Businesses

Below are some of the key healthcare deductions and credits available for small businesses:

  • Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction: Self-employed individuals can deduct premiums paid for medical, dental, and qualified long-term care insurance for themselves, their spouses, and dependents.

  • Small Business Health Care Tax Credit: Businesses with fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees may qualify for a tax credit of up to 50% of the premiums paid for employees’ health insurance.

  • Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs): A Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is an IRS-approved, employer-funded, tax-advantaged health benefit used to reimburse employees for personal health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses. It's not health insurance, but it allows employers to give an allowance or reimbursement for employees, who can then buy health insurance, or cover their other health costs. Popular types include:

    • Qualified Small Employer HRA (QSEHRA): For businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees, allowing reimbursement for medical expenses and insurance premiums.
    • Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA): Available to businesses of any size, this allows employees to purchase individual health insurance with pre-tax reimbursements from their employer.

Here are some key points about HRAs:

  1. The business sets the allowance amount, employees incur the medical expenses, employees submit proof of expenses, and employers reimburse employees directly after the approval of the medical expenses.

  2. HRAs are subject to non-discrimination testing under Section 105(h) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  3. HRAs funds can be allowed to rollover. Depending on which HRA plan an employer chooses, health reimbursement arrangement balances may roll forward from month to month or from year to year.

  4. A health reimbursement arrangement can reimburse any expense considered to be a qualified medical expense under IRS Section 213(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, including premiums for personal health insurance policies.

  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Employers can contribute to employees' HSAs, which can be used to pay for qualifying medical expenses tax-free. Contributions made by the employer are tax-deductible.

    Using an HSA can give you tax benefits even if you don’t itemize deductions. You can deduct contributions to the HSA and use the funds to pay for medical expenses tax-free. It's smart to put in enough to cover your expected medical expenses. You can even pay out-of-pocket first and then reimburse yourself from the HSA, effectively making your medical expenses pre-tax. Each type of business has its own method for handling health insurance deductions, and it’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional to get the specifics for your situation. And don’t forget, if you qualify for an HSA, it’s a great way to save on taxes!

    Understanding how to deduct health insurance premiums can be crucial for business owners aiming to maximize tax savings. Whether you're self-employed or manage a larger entity, it's beneficial to consult with a tax professional to ensure you're making the most of your health insurance deductions and to confirm if an HSA could be advantageous for your situation.

  • Medical Expense Reimbursement Plans (MERPs): These plans allow businesses to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses, which are deductible to the business and tax-free to the employee.

  • Cafeteria Plans (Section 125 Plans): These allow employees to pay for certain benefits, including health insurance, with pre-tax dollars, reducing both the employee's and employer's taxable income.

  • Wellness Program Deductions: Costs related to employee wellness programs, such as fitness incentives and smoking cessation programs, can be deductible as business expenses.

  • Dependent Care Assistance Programs (DCAPs): Employers can provide up to $5,000 per year in tax-free dependent care assistance to employees, including for health-related care.

  • Disability Insurance Premiums: Employers can deduct premiums paid for employee disability insurance policies.

  • Group Health Insurance Premiums: Premiums paid by businesses for group health insurance plans are fully deductible as a business expense.

  • Medicare Premiums: For self-employed individuals over 65, Medicare premiums can be deducted under the self-employed health insurance deduction.

  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Costs associated with providing EAPs, which offer employees access to counseling and mental health services, are deductible.

These deductions and credits can help small businesses manage healthcare costs more effectively while offering valuable benefits to their employees. As always, be sure to consult with a tax professional to ensure eligibility and proper application of these deductions and credits in your specific situation.

Case Study: Bob's HRA Implementation for Tax Savings

Scenario: Bob, the owner of a C Corporation, set up a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) for himself and his family. He does not have any other employees. Over the year, Bob incurred $20,000 in out-of-pocket healthcare expenses due to the delivery of a baby and significant dental work.

Tax Savings Calculation: At the C Corporation flat tax rate of 21%, Bob's $20,000 in healthcare expenses translates to a tax saving of $4,200 for the year.

Cost Efficiency: The cost to set up and maintain an HRA is minimal, making it a cost-effective strategy for significant tax savings.

Key Takeaway: By implementing an HRA, Bob effectively reduced his taxable income and saved a substantial amount on taxes, showcasing the financial benefits of HRAs for business owners with high healthcare costs.

Benefit Highlight:

  • Tax Savings: Immediate $4,200 saved in one year.
  • Minimal Setup Cost: Low cost to establish and maintain the HRA.
  • Financial Efficiency: Maximizes tax benefits for high out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.

ROI Calculation

ROI is calculated using the formula: ROI=(Net Gain from Investment−Cost of InvestmentCost of Investment)×100\text{ROI} = \left( \frac{\text{Net Gain from Investment} - \text{Cost of Investment}}{\text{Cost of Investment}} \right) \times 100ROI=(Cost of InvestmentNet Gain from Investment−Cost of Investment​)×100

  • Net Gain from Investment: $4,200 (tax savings)
  • Cost of Investment: $200 (setup) + $100 (maintenance) = $300



Bob's HRA implementation resulted in an ROI of 1,300%. This high ROI highlights the substantial financial benefits of setting up an HRA for business owners with significant healthcare expenses. With minimal costs to establish and maintain the HRA, the tax savings far outweigh the initial investment, making it a highly effective strategy for tax planning and financial management.

Key Takeaway: Implementing an HRA not only provides substantial tax savings but also offers an impressive ROI, demonstrating its value as a strategic financial tool for business owners.

Using the ROI Method of Value Pricing tax planning services like this, the tax advisor could easily charge several thousand for their help, while also still netting over ten thousand to the client.

Have questions? Go ahead and schedule your free demo today to explore TaxPlanIQ’s tax planning resources and tools designed to help you save your clients more money in taxes and add immense value. It's easier than you think, and we're here to help every step of the way.